Will Kwanzaa mean more in 2020, a year when Black Lives Matter, fight for social justice took center stageCeleste E. Whittaker Cherry Hill Courier-PostOur founder was quoted in this article about Kwanzaa, Black Lives…
We are soldiers in the army.We’ve got to fight although we have to cry,We’ve got to hold up the blood-stained banner,We’ve got to hold it up until we die.We Are Soldiers…
We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but…
By Karima Grady My beloved Ghana...as I sit in the airport, I’m musing over this photograph which captures the contradictions I found when my feet returned to your blessed soil at long last through the…
Family and Friends: I am so thrilled to announce the launch of Travel Deeper Inc. My sistercousin Karima Grady and I have teamed up on this exciting new venture -specializing in curated travel experiences to Mother…
Reflect. Four years ago, I turned 40 and declared to myself (and on my vision board) that I wanted to travel deeper. To me, travel deeper meant finally going to the Motherland, Mama Africa and connecting to the…